The world is a beautiful place, let us assist you to see it better

Say hello to Hercules The Eye Hound

Hercules The Eye Hound is a fiction character based off one of the founder’s pets. Hercules The Eye Hound is an American bulldog and stands for everything Eye Assist Optical.

Our Eye Wear —

Designed by our brilliant team of multi- national artist and brought to life in Italy. Our line of Hercules The Eye Hound eye wear acts not only as an exceptional brand but adds to several social impacts. Every Hercules The Eye Hound eye wear purchased adds $5.00 revenue to our social impact projects around the globe.






We are a for profit company with a large social impact.

Vision is a necessity not a luxury and should be treated as such. It is our responsibility to provide multi-options and choices to help the wider demo-graphic and to educate them on eye care & on the,“why's and how’s,’’ of the industry.